Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dirty Jobs

Do you watch the Discovery Channel? I love the program called Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. He does some of the dirtiest jobs known to man. In one of his early segments he actually went down into a sewage pump station and cleaned and scraped the grease and junk off the walls.

Makes you think about what you eat if that stuff ends up on the walls of a pit, whats going in our our stomach?

What is the dirtiest job you have done?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


In April 2007 the California Water and Environmental Association will have it's annual meeting in Ontario. Do these annual meetings provide anything but to raise money, support the association and golf tournament? Each annual meeting has a two day exhibit and many breakout sessions with outstanding speakers. How much do you learn? Does your district allow enough people to attend? Will you attend?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Strange floating objects

Tell us about the weirdest item you found floating in a sewage lift station?

Lift Station Opening Blog

Who cares about a sewage lift stations blog? Why would somebody start blogging about crappy subjects like lift stations. I decided to start a discussion location where people could connect and find sources of information unfiltered with sales jargon. My idea is to help the workers, the people who go down into pump stations and clean them out, the workers who fix the pumps; this is your site for knowledge and a exchange of ideas.